Moveable walls have been around for many years now and have gone through many renditions of style, functionality and flexibility. You may remember demountable walls that had three options of vinyl finishes that really did not appeal to many interior designers. 

Moveable walls are now fully flexible with easy install and reconfiguration, minimizing down time and health problems from dust and debris you get with typical interior construction. They also create minimal waste, sending less to our crowded landfills. Being able to reconfigure rooms in an afternoon allows for spaces to serve different purposes over time, saving precious lease space and the costs associated. They are also super sexy with a million different types of finishes and even compatible furniture, making a complete, coordinated office.

For those looking to use moveable walls on their local LEED® projects, Alberta has a local manufacturer who includes recycled content in their products, no urea-formaldehyde sub straights, low VOC finishes and FSC certified wood finishes, which can aid in the achievement of regional materials, recycled content, certified wood and indoor environmental quality credits.

Check out www.dirtt.net or www.greenalberta.ca for more information.

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